Powering Waste Management eco-system stakeholders (Garbage BIN, Citizen, Sanitation Worker and Sanitation Administrators)
The work of a Sanitation worker is among the most under-appreciated, under-equipped and under-paid designation in India. We will Skill and empower them with Technology such that they can execute their daily operations smartly and additionally earn performance based bonuses for their hard work.
Head of States, Mayors, Commissioners, Collectors - are facing unprecented social-work pressure with the advent of social media into our daily lives. More decisions will be taken based on Data than ever, with Open Governance at the heart of it. We plan to assist admins to take smarter data-assisted decisions.
With need for real-time reports, rapid response to social media - ever connected generation highlighted issues, etc. the sanitation officers need modern tools to manage their day-to-day operations. We empower them with the right kind of modules and tools for them.
We empower citizens to actively contribute and become part of a smarter waste management eco-ssytem, in which, the citizen - administration relation is one of merit & mutual respect, with focus on better living environment for all.
for any queries,
Antariksh Waste Ventures Pvt Ltd
AirB.in | Antariksh.io
3rd Floor, Incubation Cell, IIT Madras Research Park, Taramani, Chennai - 600113